Everything Programmatic Here!

Youtube Brand Lift Study Set Up On DV360

Advertiser->Resourses->Experiments & Lifts-> Brand Lift(second tab)->New Study Generally we keep study name same as insserstion order…

Brand Safety Programmatic

Table Of Contents: Consider this scenario, you want to promote your brand on the Internet. But,…

End to End Campaign Set Up On TTD With Bonus Tip

Do you want to perfect your first Campaign Launch on Tradedesk?  A DSP platform, I admire…

Challenges of Creating Line Items on Amazon DSP

How to create a Line item on Amazon DSP:  You must create an order before you…

Uncover All Hacks Of Optimized Targeting On DV360

It’s likely that most of you have heard about or have a few ideas about Optimized…

How to create an Order On Amazon DSP

Creating an order on the Amazon DSP is very straightforward even if you use it for…

Get Started With Setting Up PMP Deal On TTD

On TTD, the PMP deals are referred to as first-party contracts. It took me a few…

Rails & Optimization On Tradedesk Are Not Confusing

Tradedesk has been the platform I’ve used for managing campaigns or media buying for a very…