Creating an order on the Amazon DSP is very straightforward even if you use it for the first time.

But, let us first become familiar with a few terms so that it becomes simpler.

I’ll start off with Amazon DSP Hierarchy (DSP) first:

It starts at Partner at top

  • then Advertiser, 
  • then Order, 
  • then Line item,
  • then creative.

Similar hierarchies are followed by most DSP platforms. If you’re not familiar with these terms, here are some more details.

Think of a partner as a brand name, such as Apple. Advertisers could be Apple USA, Apple India, Apple UK etc. 

If you would like to target India, you will create an order through Apple India Advertiser. If you want to target the USA, you will create an order on Apple USA advertiser and so forth.

Now the order is nothing but a Campaign. Basically, different DSPs have different names.

If Apple launches the iPhone 15, they will create an Order/Campaign for the iPhone 15.

Consider line items as audience segmentation. You will create one line item if you are targeting a particular location, and two lines if you are targeting two locations. Optimizing the order, later on, will be easier with this information.

Having clarified these terms, let’s move on to creating an Amazon DSP order.

First, make sure you’re in the Campaign Manager view on Amazon DSP UI. 

On top, you have Campaign Manager -> report centre ->Audience Insights -> Billing -> entry admin. Please click on the Campaign Manager.

On the left you will see options such as Advertiser-> Order->Line Items ->Creatives ->Deals ->Recommendations-> Domain lists and -> bulk Actions. 

On Campaign Manager view, just near create Advertiser. You would see a search box. Please search for the advertiser under which you want to create your Campaign. 

Confirm with your media planner which Advertise will host the new Campaign if you’re unsure about this. 

Once you know under which Advertise you want to create your Campaign.

Navigate to that Advertiser. Once you are under that Advertiser, on the left you would see a range of options such as orders -> line items-> creatives ->pixels -> audiences-> events -> studies-> inventory report -> Advertiser settings-> Brands etc.

In the middle left, you would see an option to create an order. Here you can also find existing orders which are currently running or paused under that Advertiser. 

FYI: Order is nothing but a Campaign on Amazon DSP. 

Now let’s start with

Creating Order/ Campaign on Amazon DSP:

  1. Name: Give the name of the order. Something you can identify the order settings. Your team can give this info as well. Note: There are some optional boxes like PO number, Comments or Template which you can ignore.
  1. Product location: Select a product sold on Amazon if you’re selling a product on Amazon or select not sold on Amazon if your advertiser is not selling anything on Amazon. 
  1. Goal: This is something which your media team will tell you but look at older orders as well to check what kind of Goal was selected for a similar set-up. You have two options here. Engagement with my ad or Conversion off Amazon. 
  1. Goal KPI: KPI full form is a key performance indicator.  Based on the above goal selected, give a target in KPI your order should try to achieve. Note: We selected products not sold on Amazon and therefore we got only 2 KPIs to select. If we had selected Products sold on Amazon then we would get 5 KPIs to select 
  • Awareness,
  • Engagement with my ads, 
  • Consideration On Amazon, 
  • Purchases on Amazon, 
  • Purchases on and off Amazon.

Engagement with my ads goal has many KPIs such as CTR ->CPC-> CPVC(cost per video completion) VCR, Other, None. 

Conversions off Amazon have two options available: None or other. 

  1. Select the bidding strategy: While spending full budget maximize performance(I recommend this bidding strategy as this will spend budget and achieve your goals as well) or maximize performance. 

Automated optimization: the Amazon DSP will automatically allocate budgets. This is recommended if you have more than one line time 

  1. Budget & delivery: Add the total budget you want to run your Campaign with.
  1. Flight: Add the total budget you want to run your Campaign with 

Then start and end the date of your flight. 

  1. Budget Cap: you have 3 options here. Daily, Monthly and Uncapped. As the name suggests, how you want to control your budget spend. Daily how much you want to spend or monthly how much you want to spend. I prefer uncapped.
  1. Conversion tracking: This is an optional step which you add or ignore. This setting is for tracking conversion and applying pixel 
  1. Target & Optimization: We have options here such as Frequency Cap. Apply the FC here and Li will respect the setting. Or you can apply a frequency cap at Li also

We don’t want to leave you hanging here and therefore we have an upcoming blog with steps to create a Line item on Amazon DSP.

Do share your feedback and suggestion in the comments below, we would really appreciate it.