Advertiser->Resourses->Experiments & Lifts-> Brand Lift(second tab)->New Study

Generally we keep study name same as insserstion order name for which I’m going to study
Next Step Select Insertion Order
Now Select what you want to measure among below:
Ad recall
Purchase Intent

Important to note: There is minimum amount required for brand lift study to work. If not you should atleast meet the daily budget requirement for at least 7 days

Hack: Add two Campaign to meet the daily budget issue

Under Survey details

First enter your brand name then 3 competatiors

Next is Survey Settings

Here select the language, the object type(here you have select based on your brand bisis which question will be asked to users, if you’re confused select brand) and in intended section select Buy, choose, use. If you have e com select buy

Based on above selection, it will generate the question for which you will have to get approval

Few things to note

Once it starts running, reports will generate after 28 days or 10000 reponses.
You can also select video ads under brand lift study but it has to start before the launch of the Campaign but even post launching you can do for both video and YT but it’s good to start prior

If you see in red the study check if you’re meeting the daily required budget